Friday, April 4, 2014

Ramblings about Seasons

As I was selfishly complaining about the snow today (April 4) and feeling slightly sorry for the middle-schoolers I saw walking home in their shorts and flip-flops, I had a thought. Not very profound, but a thought nonetheless that I wanted to put in writing.

When God created the seasons, He never made the decree that Spring begins somewhere between March 20-22.
Likewise, when He created the reproductive system of humans, He never made a decree that a woman's gestational period ends at 40 weeks.

He just set the laws of nature in motion and promised to sustain them. It was some human who "intelligently" figured out these timetables. These timetables are meant to be estimates, and they are meant to be helpful. But what they actually seem to do is make us discontent. Nothing causes more complaints than snow on or after the first calendar day of Spring. Ok, I take that back... ONE thing causes more complaints... a pregnancy that lasts past 40 weeks. (You can tell this is a pregnant lady's blog; I'm pretty much always thinking about this "wonderful" season of my life and how it affects my own personal comforts. Sorry for working it into the post here, but I never specified what SEASONS I was going to ramble about!)

Can you imagine how much more content a pregnant woman would be if she was never told a "due date"? Can you imagine how much more content a Wisconsinite would be if we never had the "promise" that Spring would begin on a certain date? Even though we know these facts in our head, we still seem to think we have the "right" to complain about anything that doesn't follow our time schedules.

Hooray! This is a (somewhat) shorter one. I really should replace all of those "we"s above with "I"... this may be something that only I struggle with. But just in case it applies to you, too, I'll leave the "we" in there. Ok, here's one more "we" for you:

"This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it!"

Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)

Thanks for reading.

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