Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ramblings about Bugs

(Disclaimer: I don't know much about blog copyright laws, so I included the links where I found all these pictures so I don't get in trouble. They all came from Google image search, so I CANNOT vouch for any of the websites if you click on the links.)

Today's discussion--
Which is worse: A boxelder bug or a ladybug? 

Though I am not a fan of either of these household pests, I would argue that ladybugs are MORE EVIL than boxelder bugs. Read on to see my reasoning.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with these two types of beetles, here is what they look like:

Boxelder Bug

And here is what they DO:

Boxelder bug swarm on windowsill
Ladybug swarm on windowsill
 When I lived in PA, every fall and spring our home would be invaded by ladybugs, whose sole purpose was to infest everything from the light fixtures to tunafish sandwiches. They were a threat that was impossible to prevent, and almost impossible to eradicate.

After moving to WI, I found that the ladybugs were not quite as numerous, but they had a midwestern counterpart-- the boxelder bug-- who had the same agenda.

I don't know any actual statistics of these pest populations; I'm just reporting on MY experience, which was ladybugs in the East, boxelder bugs in the Midwest.

Either way, they are both gross. But which one is WORSE? I've already said that I think ladybugs are inherently evil. Here is my argument:


Point number 1: When it comes to indoor bugs, I have a general dislike for bugs that can fly AND crawl. Flies are annoying, but at least they usually fly around, land for a bit, then fly away. Ants are gross, but at least they just crawl all over the place so you can step on them. BUT both ladybugs and boxelder bugs crawl AND fly, which is just unfair. So, they are evenly matched on this point.


Point number 2: We have already seen that they both swarm. They like to get inside doorways and windowsills, crawl on your walls and ceilings, and then die in your stuff. Or fly around you as you try to run to your car. Again, evenly matched in awfulness.

Boxelder bugs

Point number 3: Both bugs stink. 
"Oh, you think I'm gross? Why don't you just kill me? HA! Now I am gross AND I stink. Even in my death I have defeated you." 
We're still at a tie.


Point number 4: Boxelder bugs eat trees (which are generally considered good) and ladybugs eat aphids (which are generally considered bad). So this is one point in favor of boxelder bugs being worse than ladybugs.


Point number 5: BUT, the close of my argument, and the reason that I think ladybugs are MORE EVIL than boxelder bugs is their DECEPTION.

For whatever reason, the ladybug has convinced humans that it is not only NOT a threat to our existence and American way of life, but that it is something to be PRAISED and viewed as *shudder* cute.

Ladybugs in childrens' literature
Ladybugs in party food
Ladybugs in wedding decor!
We even dress our young ones up as these vile creatures.

Sure, even I have to admit, ladybugs in a nursery seems like it could be really cute...

Until you realize that in reality, ladybugs in a nursery looks more like THIS
 This is the reason why I think ladybugs are more evil than boxelder bugs. I mean, at least boxelder bugs are honest about their grossness. They don't put up a front. They don't try to infiltrate our society with cutesy decor. You never would see a children's clothing line named...



 So, in conclusion, you can have your own opinions about these bugs. If you want to think ladybugs are cute, go ahead. But for me, I don't think I could ever let my baby wear something with a ladybug on it without thinking of this:


 Thanks for reading.


  1. I choose to live in denial and call the "evil ladybugs" Japanese beetles so that the solitary ladybugs i used to play w on my tiny bouquets of dandelions can retain their cute status ;) But i have to say, i think moths should be added to the candidates for "evil bugs" king.

    1. Moths ARE pretty gross, when they are in or around a house.
      In the middle of the woods, I don't think I'd mind them (they are like night time butterflies.)
      But when they are in my house (or on my porch), they are intruders and they must die.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well... I dont like butterflies either unless im looking at them through the closed window ;)
