Monday, May 8, 2023

Chronicles of Crime Game Night

 This game was definitely something new and different! One player must download the free app, but once you download it, you don't need internet to play. Scan the QR codes on the Cards to investigate witnesses and work together to solve the crime! Can be played alone or in a group of any size. (It says 1-4 but you could easily add more people since it is cooperative and each person doesn't have to have a specific role) 

It took us a little while to figure out how to move forward and collect items to ask the characters about, but once we did, we were able to (mostly) solve the crime (we got a score of 70 because we solved the murder but not the theft. Next time we play we will make sure to talk to all of the characters) 

This is fun because you can play different scenarios with the same cards, since the app can be updated and expansions can be purchased. I especially like that they leave room in the box for expansions (I really dislike having starter games and needing additional boxes for the expansions) 

We will be playing this again with more people at our family reunion this summer and I will try to remember to get a video then.