Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Green Board Games for Little Eco-Citizens

We've been learning about the plastic problem in homeschooling lately and this new game from Adventerra Games is such a cute, educational, and fun way for young kids to play "saving the ocean"! 

🐳 🐢 🐬 🦀 🌊 

Thanks, Tryazon and Adventerra Games North America!

100% plastic-free, recycled materials, sustainable ♻ 🌱 

I especially liked the downloadable Educational guides! 👩‍🏫

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Tryazon Wavelength Game Night

 This game is rally unique! It sounds really complicated but once you get playing, it is pretty easy to understand, and would definitely give you a new experience every time you play. 

We started the night with dinner and dessert. We gave Spots to the kids to play, while the adults played Wavelength. 

The gist of the game is that your team is trying to guess a mystery spot on a spectrum between two extremes. The "Psychic" (who knows the spot) can only give one clue as to the whereabouts of this spot. Using the given spectrum (i.e.: hot-cold) they give a clue (i.e.: coffee) and then let their team try to guess (with no extra help). Once the team has set the dial, the other team gets a chance to guess whether the actual location is more to the right or more to the left of that dial. Then the mystery spot is revealed and points are given. 

I like that the entire game fits into the box with no assembly- both when set-up and when put away. So you can really open the box and begin playing. There is also an app- although you would need to have multiple people who have the app and are ready to play a game at the same time. 

Overall, our group liked the game!