Friday, December 1, 2023

Tryazon That's Not A Hat Game Night

 Even though not everyone could join us, we had fun having pizza, snacks, and playing these new Ravensburger games. 

The kids really liked Strike. It is past faced and easy to play.

The adults enjoyed That's Not A Hat. It is easy to learn and play but a very unique concept. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Tryazon Luki Lab Pinxies Party


We combined our Pinxies Party with a Halloween Party! Storytime in the morning, lunch and play time, trick or treating, then more food and more playtime meant the party could continue all day!

After a long cold day of trick or treating, the adults were glad that the Pinxies kept the kids busy for a long time! The girls especially had fun building and then playing with the toys. I think they all were a hit! 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mish Match & Tapple 10 Game Night Tryazon Party

 We love a Tryazon Game Night! 

The plan was to take these games camping, but since the first couple of nights got rained out, we did a party in our home first. Then we took them camping and they were easy to play at the campsite. 

Mish Match is a bit silly and a little too simple for the the adults to really engage with, but the kids all loved it. Tapple 10 was a bit more fun for all ages, and I like all the different versions, so you can play it multiple ways. Both games were easy to learn and quick to play- great for parties! 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Tryazon Drinkmate - instaFizz Anywhere Party

 We've had a couple of occasions to try out the new Drinkmate InstaFizz with friends and neighbors!

🥤 A quick and easy way to add carbonation to any cold beverage! #drinkmate #instafizz #sodamaker #carbonation #bestbeveragecarbonator #bestsodacarbonator #reduceplasticbottlewaste #healthycarbonation #carbonateanybeverage #Tryazon Use code: PARTYFIZZ20 for 20% off your purchase of the Drinkmate instaFIzz bundle with 10 chargers and product sleeves at Code expires September 17, 2023 Tryazon Drinkmate

Monday, August 21, 2023

Tryazon Fruity Back To School Party

We love Zolli Candy! 🍭 A great last summer fling with some friends before it's back to school time. We enjoyed trying the new live crispy snacks too... The plain pineapple was the favorite of our group
get 15% your entire order on with the coupon code: TRY15 Plus with an order of $30 or more you will also get free shipping! Cannot be combined with another discount.

Tryazon Twister Air Game Night

This game takes too long to setup and calibrate, the kids got frustrated. Once you get the lighting just right (you need a HUGE well lit room that is not backlit to get it to work properly) the game itself is pretty fun. But you can only play with 2 people at a time, and there's really no "twister" aspect- you pretty much stay in your own area. Overall, not a hit with our group. 

We had twisted snacks (twizzlers, pretzels, breadsticks) and had a great time at the party, even though the game itself was not that great.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Bestway Airbeds for the Summer

 We love Bestway air mattresses! They seem to be more durable than other brands and I like the built-in pump. My kids enjoy them for movie nights/sleepovers and they are handy for bringing along when we travel and stay with family. I do wish it had an option for a battery powered or manual pump, so we could take it camping. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Tryazon Azul Game Night

 We were excited to learn about this game from Asmodee, as we have tried (and loved!) other Asmodee Games. I had never heard of this one, but when I went to review it, I realized there are a bunch of different varieties, which all look beautiful! One of my friends who attended the Game Night said she actually had this in her hand the last time she visited a game store, as she loved the look of it.

The game is easy enough for kids to play along, but challenging and strategic enough for adults to enjoy. I think the beauty of the pieces would keep people interested and engaged, even if they are not typically "game people". Overall, we like this game and will be looking for more like it!

Saturday, June 10, 2023

My First Castle Panic Game Night

 My kids like this game! Kind of reminds me of reverse candy land. Great for little gamers.

We brought the game along to a family reunion so lots of people could try it out 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Chronicles of Crime Game Night

 This game was definitely something new and different! One player must download the free app, but once you download it, you don't need internet to play. Scan the QR codes on the Cards to investigate witnesses and work together to solve the crime! Can be played alone or in a group of any size. (It says 1-4 but you could easily add more people since it is cooperative and each person doesn't have to have a specific role) 

It took us a little while to figure out how to move forward and collect items to ask the characters about, but once we did, we were able to (mostly) solve the crime (we got a score of 70 because we solved the murder but not the theft. Next time we play we will make sure to talk to all of the characters) 

This is fun because you can play different scenarios with the same cards, since the app can be updated and expansions can be purchased. I especially like that they leave room in the box for expansions (I really dislike having starter games and needing additional boxes for the expansions) 

We will be playing this again with more people at our family reunion this summer and I will try to remember to get a video then.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Green Board Games for Little Eco-Citizens

We've been learning about the plastic problem in homeschooling lately and this new game from Adventerra Games is such a cute, educational, and fun way for young kids to play "saving the ocean"! 

🐳 🐢 🐬 🦀 🌊 

Thanks, Tryazon and Adventerra Games North America!

100% plastic-free, recycled materials, sustainable ♻ 🌱 

I especially liked the downloadable Educational guides! 👩‍🏫

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Tryazon Wavelength Game Night

 This game is rally unique! It sounds really complicated but once you get playing, it is pretty easy to understand, and would definitely give you a new experience every time you play. 

We started the night with dinner and dessert. We gave Spots to the kids to play, while the adults played Wavelength. 

The gist of the game is that your team is trying to guess a mystery spot on a spectrum between two extremes. The "Psychic" (who knows the spot) can only give one clue as to the whereabouts of this spot. Using the given spectrum (i.e.: hot-cold) they give a clue (i.e.: coffee) and then let their team try to guess (with no extra help). Once the team has set the dial, the other team gets a chance to guess whether the actual location is more to the right or more to the left of that dial. Then the mystery spot is revealed and points are given. 

I like that the entire game fits into the box with no assembly- both when set-up and when put away. So you can really open the box and begin playing. There is also an app- although you would need to have multiple people who have the app and are ready to play a game at the same time. 

Overall, our group liked the game! 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Tryazon Nutricelebrity Party

 It's the new year and we are all trying to get healthier! Sometimes that means taking supplements to fill in the gaps in our diets. I had some of my girlfriends over to try these new supplements for better gut health, from Nutricelebrity. 

The name is a bit weird (are they for celebrities? Are we the celebrities for taking them?) but it was cool that they have a Bible verse on the package. The pills are easy to take and the chewables don't taste too bad (not great, but not bad)