Saturday, June 26, 2021

Tryazon Pixicade Party

 We were small in number but big on fun at our Pixicade party! Although not everyone was able to make it to the actual party, I have shared the games with several people and helped them create their own accounts. My kids love Pixicade! I hope they can share their enthusiasm with their friends so they can play each other's games. It is an excellent way to teach basic video game design concepts and allow them to be creative and artistic with their screen time.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Guess in 10 Family Game Night Tryazon

 These days it is hard to get all the friends together at one time, but we had a fun "3 part" game night party introducing this game to a number of our friends.

First, we went to a friends' house for dinner one night with some mutual friends and showed them the games, and also told them about the 30% off coupon.

Then, we were at a restaurant with other friends and I had the games in my purse... the kids had fun playing the game before our food arrived!

Finally, we were camping with friends and brought the game along to play around the fire. We also took advantage of the 10 free cards we could download from the website, so that was a fun bonus!

I think this is a fun game for families because it is playable by a wide range of ages.