Sunday, June 14, 2020

Tryazon Chocolat Frey Tasting Party

Chocolat Frey Tasting Party with Tryazon... Social Distance Edition!

This was supposed to be a Easter party... then came the Covid...

 I did put a few bars in my kids Easter baskets, so we got to try our chocolate early. I really liked it! Not my absolute favorite brand, and it is a little harder to find (so far only sold in stores I don't frequently visit) but I enjoyed the smooth taste and interesting flavors, and I liked hearing the story of their sustainable practices.

For our party, we decided to do it outdoors at a park so everyone could follow social distancing practices. The kids played on the playground (No hugging!) while the adults stayed 6 ft apart and talked (No group photos!) and each family got their own chocolate bags and bars (No sharing!). It was a little different, but it was still a lot of fun. Everyone who gave feedback on the chocolate said it was really good... especially the dark chocolate!

At one point a fast-moving storm blew in and we all took shelter as best we could, but it was over in less than 10 minutes and the sun came back out.