Friday, October 18, 2019

Tryazon Blenditup and Norms Farms Smoothie Party

I had done another Tryazon party with a different elderberry brand last month, so when I saw a new product to try from Norm's Farms, I thought this would be a great opportunity to compare! Plus, we make smoothies for the kids almost every day, so I was hoping I could boost their protein with the Blenditup Protein powder.

For the party, we had a meal, and then I made smoothies using a Blenditup recipe (just yogurt, protein powder, milk, and frozen blueberries, with a bit of elderberry syrup added to it). My husband enjoyed it, and had two servings. Everyone else thought it was just ok, and I didn't care for it. I have tried the protein powder in several recipes, and although it says it is "never gritty", I can still taste it in the smoothies and I don't care for it. I was thinking of trying it in pancakes, but one of the party guests says she has made protein powder pancakes before and they didn't turn out great. I think soy protein is just not for us.

Here are my reviews of the Norms Farms products:

Wellness Syrup-
This is tasty! My husband put it in hot water to make a tea, and said it was soothing. My kids and I like to drink it by itself, in the recommended dose. My friend enjoyed the cloves and honey flavors.

Elderberry Extract-
This is a much stronger flavor than the wellness syrup, and is better to add to something, like a smoothie or a recipe, rather than drinking it straight.

If you would like to try either of these products, use the code TRYAZON25 for 25% off at Blenditup,com or TRYAZON15 for 15% off at