Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tryazon Ritter Sport Chocolate Party

This was one of the most fun Tryazon parties yet! 

We started out by introducing Ritter Sport (all of my guests had been to a Tryazon party before, so they were familiar with the brand) and then passing out the coupons and take-home packs. 

Then we had dinner (healthy squash soup and veggie pizza... to counteract all the chocolate!)

Then we made our Veteran's Day tribute to the troops... it was truly a team effort! One guest thought of the idea of making a ship, another thought of making an aircraft carrier, and then the more crafty ones in the group gave the idea of how to construct it. Someone researched the names of famous aircraft carriers (came up with the USS WASP, because it had the fewest letters) and someone else spelled it out using the chocolate squares. The results were amazing! Here's hoping we win.... if we win the chocolate prize, the Air Force member from our group said he could take the chocolate to share with the airmen on his base.

Finally, we did the blind taste test with the chocolate varieties. It was pretty easy to guess which was which (except for a few) and we all had different ideas of which ones were a YAY and which were a NAY. 

Overall, a fun night!