Thursday, August 9, 2018

Tryazon Kid Knex Party

Do you remember Knex from when you were a kid? Did you have a sibling or a friend who built the big ferris wheel?? Or were YOU that cool kid?

Knex has been around since the 90's, but I didn't know that they were manufactured in Pennsylvania! Yay for US jobs!

I was so excited to try out these new line of Knex, specifically for preschoolers. The little eyeballs, wings, wheels, and other pieces make it easy to make silly creatures, trucks, houses, and whatever else they can come up with! My kids LOVE building toys... I'd say at least 50% of their toys are creative toys (Lincoln Logs are another favorite, which are also made by Knex, apparently!) Thank you to Tryazon for once again giving me the opportunity to try these toys for free, and also help my friends get free and discounted toys! A couple of families couldn't make it, but using the Tryazon coupon code, I know of at least 3 people who have gotten their own Budding Builders Tub for a GREAT deal!