Monday, September 12, 2016

Seventh Generation Baby Wipes Review

Disclaimer: "I received a free product for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own." 

I like how large these wipes are... and they are good quality, too. They stay wet and get the job done. It is a plus that the natural ingredients make them better for the environment, and for my family. Probably won't be buying them very often, though, since they are more expensive than my current baby wipes brands.

I would recommend them to a friend, if they could fit them in their budget. I would buy other products from this company, if they were a good price.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

ALDI Little Journey Review Post

I received my ALDI Little Journey products complimentary from Influenster and am entering the Brand Challenge for a chance to win a prize.

I got to try some new products from Aldi's brand new baby line, #ALDILittleJourney. Here's what I think:

My little one is still too young to actually eat the cereal puffs or baby food pouch, but I am excited to give them to her in 6-8 months! We loved these types of products in the past when our older children were babies, and it is really exciting to me that I can buy them now at my favorite store.

I can't really use the diapers they sent me, either. My baby is in size 1 and my toddler is in sizes 4-5, but they sent me a couple samples of size 2 and 3. I will definitely be trying them in a couple months, though. I am pretty picky about diapers, actually. We use Parents Choice (from Walmart) for overnight diapers, because the Pampers Overnights are way too expensive. But for daytime, we use Pampers, Luvs, or Up & Up from Target. I have tried Parents Choice and Huggies and these never fit my kids right, or felt right (too stiff, not soft, elastic and velcro wasn't up to my standards either). If the Aldi diapers pass my diaper-tests, we would definitely switch! I do most of my grocery shopping at ALDI, and it would be great to save a little money and get the diapers here, too. (Sometimes we do buy the Pampers diapers at Aldi when we see them.)

Ok, so, finally something we COULD try out! The wipes:

I liked these wipes.
I am not as picky about wipes... my kids have never really had sensitivity to them, so we just buy whatever is cheapest or on sale, and switch between brands frequently.

I like the softness of Pampers, but they don't always seem as wet, and sometimes their "extra-stretchiness" gets annoying.
I like the texture of Huggies wipes, but I HATE that they are usually perforated instead of inter-locked in the wipes container. This makes it hard to get just what I need out of the wipes tub. Either they all come out, and I need a second hand to rip them apart, or just one comes out, and the next one is buried deep in the tub for me to reach for. Basically, when I am elbow deep in a dirty diaper, I want ONE wipe to come out at a time, but for the NEXT wipe to be at the ready in case I need it. I don't like it when wipes require two hands, since I need that other hand to hold my baby's wiggly feet!
Parents Choice and Well Beginnings (walgreens) wipes are fine. Nothing special, but work well enough that I do go back to buy them again.
Luvs wipes are also ok, but can't be found everywhere and rarely go on sale, so we haven't used them as much.
I have tried a few other brands, but not often enough to give an opinion. I do recall one time using a brand called "Kidlets" (or something similar) but I don't know where it came from, since it was a baby shower gift, and I only remember that I did NOT like them. Dried out and didn't work well to begin with. They weren't even called "baby wipes", they were called "toddler wipes" but I don't know what that means (they weren't flushable or anything).

So Huggies, Pampers, and Parents Choice are our "go-to" wipes brands. We usually just buy whatever wipes are cheapest at the store where we are going, because we rarely are able to "stock up" on wipes (since we go through them so fast) and we always seem to need them same-day.

Ok, so, the only reason I gave a brief review of all those other wipes, is to give you context for my comparison of Aldi Little Journey wipes.

I was pleased. They reminded me the most of Pampers wipes, in their softness, stretchiness, and inter-locked design (making them easy to get out of the pouch.). The fact that a store brand wipe reminds me of one of the most expensive name brands in the grocery store is a good sign, I think!
I do hope that they come in tub and large pack sizes, and especially bulk sizes, because we use ALOT of wipes in our house, and always have to buy them by the case. Next time I go to ALDI I will look for these wipes and buy another case (or the largest that they have) and I may come back to this post to write an update.
Like I said, because of my tendency to buy whichever wipes brands are most convenient at the time (I don't go out of my way to go to a specific store to buy wipes, like I might with diapers) these Aldi wipes may be a life saver, because they are carried at the place where I do the majority of my shopping. (And, presumably, will be the cheapest option.) I don't expect to use them exclusively, since I am not brand-loyal to ANY wipes, but I will definitely use them in the future.

The last thing that we were able to try out from the Influenster box was the Baby wash:

I was again pleased with the quality of this product. I am not too picky about Baby Wash, either. We tend to buy the store brands, and usually use "Baby Magic" from Pick N Save. This was on par with that brand. Not a lot of scent (which is a good thing) but still gives that fresh and clean smell to the baby's hair afterwards.
But what really set this product apart was the package design. I liked the pump top. This is the first baby wash that I have tried with that feature, and it was a nice touch. You get just enough without necessarily having to use two hands to dispense it (which is especially important when your baby is as small and new as mine is. I always want to keep one hand on her in the bath.) The package artwork is cute, too.. I used this on my older kids (2 and 4) as well, and they liked the ducky. The fact that it doesn't have a top that opens up, like most other brands, is useful, since my kids drop the baby wash off the edge of the tub all the time, and it either ends up pouring into the bath (wasteful) or pouring onto the floor (messy). We haven't dropped this bottle yet, so I can't speak to how well it will fare, but I assume it will not spill as much as the other bottles.

Overall, as long as this brand is cheaper than the cheapest store brand (which I assume it will be, since it's from ALDI), then we will definitely be making the switch. Thanks, Aldi, for another great low-cost product!!

So, I guess that's about it for now in review of the ALDI Little Journey products. Overall, I am definitely pleased that Aldi has their own line of baby products now. I have high hopes for them in the future as we utilize more of their product line.

I received my ALDI Little Journey products complimentary from Influenster and am entering the Brand Challenge for a chance to win a prize.