Friday, September 18, 2015

My Thoughts About the Ban on Funding for Planned Parenthood

September 18, 2015

I just read that Congress just voted to put a 1 year ban on Planned Parenthood's federal funding while they undergo an investigation. I don't know if this bill will actually pass, but I pray that it does.

Some Pro-Lifers are mad because this seems like just another political agenda move from the Republicans. Maybe it is. These Pro-Lifers can't even see this as a victory because the bill wouldn't make abortion totally illegal, and that's what they wanted.

As a Christian, I am 100% against abortion. But there are many things that I consider abhorrent sins that are legal. Abortion is one of these things. (On the flipside, there are many things that God considers abhorrent sins that are accepted even among Christians. Not gonna go there, gluttony.)

But I've heard from many Republicans that "American taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for something that's against their beliefs." 

This is a pipe dream. Every single person who has ever paid taxes to any nation most definitely will be paying, in some way, shape or form, to fund something they don't agree with. You are a pacifist? Then you better be a tax dodger, too, because you can't stick a footnote on your 1040 saying "Not for paying the military."

Jesus Himself pulled a coin from a fish's mouth and gave it to sinful human beings as a tax payment. (Sure, that particular coin was for the temple tax, but you get what I'm saying... He told His disciples to "Render to Caesar." Paul reiterated this policy... and HE was paying Nero! Paul's taxes went directly to putting Christians heads on pikes, yet he still paid them.)

I say all this to say... as much as it pains me personally, abortion will always be legal in our country, till the KING returns. Even if we somehow "won" and it became illegal again... people would find another way.
Abortion did not begin in 1973.
And it will not end in 2015.
Probably not even at Planned Parenthood facilities if this bill passes-- I've heard that their federal funding is not allocated to the abortions-- though I hope this does stop them in some respect.
But even if this DOES manage to close the PP abortion services, your tax dollars will still be going to provide abortions in other roundabout ways.
I wish that politicians would acknowledge these facts rather than trying to tout themselves as heroes and gathering their supporters like sheep. I'd vote for someone who was honest about the fact that you WILL NOT ALWAYS GET YOUR WAY. But to most people, that ugly word "compromise" makes someone sound weak, rather than realistic.

To the Christians reading this; let me emphasize again: In an ideal world, we WOULD get our way... at least where Biblical morality issues are concerned. But we don't live in an ideal world; we live in a fallen world. Our job is to live and vote according to our beliefs as best we can while recognizing that our country will never be a theocracy. I want to love the song "God Bless America." But I recognize that He has not ever promised to do so. God blesses Americans on an individual level: meaning He blesses those who are His children. God also blesses His children in many other, even more pagan, nations around the world. So please stop hiding behind your underlying belief that 2 Chronicles 7:14 belongs on your Facebook wall superimposed on an American flag.

But, like I said, for the here-and-now issue at hand, I am glad that (at least part of) the government has decided that PP needs to be investigated before we can give them any more of our money. Let me be clear... as long as the demand is there, there WILL be selling and buying of baby parts. The buyers will find another supplier, until there is federal regulation and penalties to stop them. (When it comes to PP's side of the transactions, this was NOT about tissue donation and research. The way that Planned Parenthood has been conducting that side of their business is for profit, using as-of-yet illegal methods. They need to be held accountable for that.)

The "I Stand With Planned Parenthood" campaign, which is only going to EXPLODE in the coming days (hopefully not enough to overturn the ban on funding) is standing on the weakest possible argument. Their defense is that we can't cut off their funding because of all their good services to women that will be discontinued. Every video or article I've watched (including that recent news interview with Hilary about Carly's comments in the debate) has skirted around whether or not Planned Parenthood has done anything illegal and focused only on the good they do.

Well, if you judge a person (or in this case, organization) based on "their good outweighing their bad" then Bill Cosby and Josh Duggar deserve your support as well. I don't care HOW much good you do... you CANNOT BREAK THE LAW.

Ok, I'm done. :)
Thanks for reading.