Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ramblings About Snow

The new fallen snow is so beautiful... it is sparkling like diamonds tonight! We've gotten several more inches over the course of this week (seemed like it was snowing every day!) so it has turned the mounds of packed slushy mess that we've been building on since December into a beautiful fresh blanket of white.
Sorry for all the cliche snow metaphors... this blog is really just my random thoughts; I don't profess to be a writer so I can't think of my own articulate descriptions of the snow.

Anyway, I was thinking tonight on my walk with the dog that it is no wonder that God used snow to describe the purity that happens when He washes our sins away. 

Isaiah 1:18
"Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."

Psalm 51:7
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."

What a perfect metaphor. My heart was a disgusting, dripping, chunky mound of snowplow mush and God transformed it into a gleaming sea of diamonds with the blood of His Son. Only He didn't just cover it up... He completed melted it so it didn't exist anymore, and then replaced it with something clean and beautiful. Unfortunately, I still sin, so my heart (though redeemed and perpetually being sanctified), still gets that icky slush on it as long as I live this life. But like the change of seasons, God is continually cleansing me. I long for the day that I will be white as snow once and for ALL ETERNITY.

Speaking of the change of seasons, here are some less high and lofty thoughts about snow.

We haven't seen grass for 2 months. (side note: I'm noticing that WI snow is different than PA or WV snow... in those places we would get MORE snow at a time, and more often, but we would have warm weather in between each storm, so you never had the same snow for very long. Here, we don't have that snow-melt-snow-melt cycle... it just seems to snow and then stay cold... so you could have the same snow on your yard in March that you had in December) But I still find myself loving the snow! On nights like this, I think "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if our son became an Olympic-hopeful snowboarder like Taylor or Arielle Gold and we had to move for 5 months every year to follow the snow."

Ok, maybe I don't love snow THAT much. These siblings literally live in snow for 10+ months of the year... they live in two different places in CO with their family during competition season, and then train in May in CA, OR in the summer, and New Zealand for their winter in the late summer months. As much fun as it was to experience a 12 ft "spring snow" in April in CA one year (I wore short sleeves to go x-country skiing!), I still love the change of seasons, and I'm sure in a few weeks I will be ready to say goodbye to this snow. But for now, it is beautiful.

One more note... when my husband and I were listening today to this segment on the radio about these snowboarding kids, my first thought was not "I wonder if I could ever be an Olympic snowboarder" it was "I wonder if our son will ever be one." Does this mean I'm old?

Thanks for reading!